Schedule of Fees 2023/2024

The following fee structure applies from September 2023 :

Termly Tuition Fees

 Nursery All day  8.30 am to 3.30 pm £2455*
 Nursery Mornings only  8.30 am to 12 mid-day £1555*
 Nursery 3 full days  8.30 am to 3.30 pm £1785*
Reception £2860*
Years 1 & 2 £3225
Year 3 £3440
Years 4 to 6 £3760
* This is the full fee sheet cost without EYFE hours. Reception pupils currently benefit from the EYFE hours until the end of the term that they are 5 years old. If the 15 hours EYFE funding were to be withdrawn, the School would need to charge parents the full termly fees.
If you wish your child to only attend the 15 free hours per week offered under the Early Years Free Entitlement Scheme, these hours must be taken between 12:30pm and 3:30pm and are subject to availability. Please contact Admissions on 01273 553645 for more details.


The fees below are for sessions which include maximum 15 EYFE hours per week.

Nursery All day with 15 EYFE hours £1657
Nursery Mornings only with 15 EYFE hours £757
Nursery 3 full days with 15 EYFE hours £987
Reception Full time with 15 EYFE hours £2062


Termly Extra Activities and Clubs

After School Clubs (3.55 – 4.55) £8.00 per session
Windlefun extended (4.55- 5.45) £5.50 per session
Lunchtime Clubs £4.00 per session
Certain specialist clubs with external coaches and/or facilities will charged at a higher rate, which will be notified prior to booking.

Other Charges

Lunch plus mid morning snack (from September 2022) £4.50 per day
Milk (Optional) £30 per term Free to under 5s through Cool Milk Scheme
Learning Support as requested or recommended in consultation with the SENCO and Class Teacher – cost depends on provision


Please note that there may be other sundry charges e.g. School outings, tickets for some events, but you will receive notification of the relevant charge to be made by separate correspondence.
Please note that all School Fees are charged in advance; all other extras are charged in arrears.

Basic Charges

Registration: £60

This is a non-refundable fee to register your child with the School and cover administration.

School Deposit: £300

Please note that this will be charged when the offer of a place is made and confirmed. This amount will be held on account until the pupil leaves Windlesham School.  The amount is then offset (without interest) against the final invoice. This charge is non-refundable in the event of the child not starting the School.

Family Discounts

A 5% discount is applied to the second and subsequent children from the same family attending the School at the same time.

Payment Options

• Payment in full on the first day of term

• Paying by instalments – please contact the Bursar for details

Payments should be made by bank transfer (preferred) or cheque. No cash payments in excess of £500 per term will be accepted by the School. If you wish to make payments direct through our Bank, the following information would apply:

Account Name:      Windlesham School Trust Ltd
HSBC Bank              Sortcode: 40-25-06
Account No:            21413635
IBAN No:                 GB16HBUK40250621413635

Please ensure that you add your child’s surname and initial as the reference.

Please note that no other payment terms are acceptable unless agreed in advance with the Bursar.

Other Payment Details

Payment Charges


A charge of 4%  above base rate per annum will be applied to any outstanding balance of fees in arrears.


In accordance with Windlesham School’s ethos that all children should have access to affordable, private education, the School Governors have established a Bursary Fund. Families have the opportunity to apply for bursaries valued at up to 50% of the basic cost of school fees. The number of bursaries available is limited; therefore not all applications are successful.
The process involves completion of a detailed statement of financial circumstances and provision of financial details such as proof of income and bank statements. All applications and information provided are treated with the strictest confidentiality. This information is considered by the Bursaries Committee and awards are made as appropriate. The decision of the Bursaries Committee is final. Any resulting awards are subject to annual review and are offered on the absolute understanding that fees due are paid on time.

Requests for statement of financial circumstances forms should be made to the Bursar in writing or via email to

Early Years Free Entitlement

All 3 and 4 year old children resident in Brighton and Hove are currently entitled to Early Years Free Entitlement of 15 hours per week. Windlesham School currently offers the 15 free hours to pupils as indicated on each termly invoice. The free 15 hours is provided during the School day with actual timings varying according to the days/hours your child attends. Further information is available from the Head of Finance & Operations. Please note that a reduced notice period of one month is applicable for pupils in receipt of EYFE hours.

Friends of Windlesham Parents’ Association

A voluntary donation of £5.00 per child per term is charged on each invoice to support the many activities organised by the Friends of Windlesham throughout the year.

Parents are reminded that a full term’s notice is required in writing to the Headteacher for their child’s withdrawal from the School. If notice is provided on or after the first day of term then the following term’s fees are to be paid in full before the start of the new term.

For children in nursery and reception accessing EYFE only or EYFE which cannot be separated from non-funded hours a notice period of one full month will be required.