The children in the Owlets Nursery are part of the ‘Foundation Stage’ of Education called the ‘Early Years’.

The children work to a broad, well-balanced and planned curriculum which includes seven areas of learning.  It enables the development of literacy and numeracy skills as well as physical, intellectual and emotional needs. Play is carefully planned to embrace the seven areas of learning which are:

In Nursery, the activities are based on the ‘Development Matters’ document from the EYFS and are linked to the children’s personal learning journeys. The learning experiences are presented in a cross curricular way based on themes and topics of interest. The pupils are regularly assessed throughout the two years of Nursery and Reception and an outline of their progress is recorded on each child’s individual profile.

The Owlets are based in two, bright classrooms within the school grounds. The children are taught by a fully qualified specialist team under the leadership of the Early Years Co-ordinator. The Nursery classes also have specialist teaching in French and music.

At the end of their time in Nursery, the children move on to our Reception class.