Emphasis on maths, English and sciences remains in line with the National Curriculum, but pupils also study geography, history, French, religious studies, music, information technology, art, craft, design and technology.
Reasoning is introduced in the Upper School to help pupils prepare for their secondary school examinations.
Philosophy lessons continue with a focus on developing critical thinking.
From Year 3 the children are taught by subject specialists. They are in sets for maths and are grouped for particular English activities. While the class tutor is key, children now benefit from teachers who can share their expertise. Classrooms have flat-panel interactive display boards and children use iPads when appropriate to practise skills in a fun and interactive way during lessons. Go to Curriculum
Staff organise a variety of trips to places related to curriculum subjects, and there are regular drama and musical performances which link into current work topics.
A variety of competitive sports are introduced from Year 3, including touch rugby, football, netball, hockey, lacrosse, rounders, tennis and cricket, while stroke techniques and racing tactics are taught in swimming.
Matches against other schools and swimming galas take place from Year 4. Go to School Life
The Upper School is divided into Houses, Arundel, Bodiam and Lewes, each with a House Captain. The positions of Head Girl, Head Boy and other posts such as Magazine Editor, Sports Captain and Music Prefect give pupils the chance to take on responsibility, gaining confidence and maturity.
All children are encouraged to develop their particular talents and abilities. Academically able pupils are stretched to fulfil their potential. Children with special needs receive expert help to enjoy and extend their learning.